Runway to Entrepreneurship

Passion Project

Year 1

Practice in consistency I began to post a Saving Sunday every Sunday. The Pink Lady (my dear friend) would send me financial articles to support my posts. I learned how to create memes. My followers increased. I received encouragement from various people. I was consistently posting and researching how to expand my impact and start a business. Podcasting blogging made the most sense.

Year 2

Decide to launch a Podcast! Researched equipment, apps/software, formats and editing options. Made of guest

Year 3

System around podcasting 


Side Hustle

Year 4


Choose to be happy!

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As a teacher, you may be looking to improve your finance skills in order to help your teacher pension. This is a great opportunity because it allows you to learn from some of the best teachers in the industry. They offer paid training and professional development, which means you can get the most out of your time as a teacher.