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Why it’s NEVER to late to start investing for retirement?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

In this episode, Ms. Black talks about leveraging a Roth IRA to prepare for retirement at any age.

Roth IRA contribution (for 2023, $6,500 annually, or $7,500 if you’re age 50 or older)

Roth IRA salary caps

Compound interest calculator

NYC Public School teachers can contribute in the Roth option of the 457 (Deferred Compensation)  $22,500 under 50 and $30,000 over 50

Ms. Black, the host of Staying in the Black, is a single mom, homeowner, and public-school educator in NYC. She owns two properties and is one mortgage away from being totally debt-free. She loves traveling the world with her family and has over $500,000 in her retirement accounts beyond her pension.

Learn more about Ms. Black:


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