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A Review of “Get Smart with Money”

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Get Smart with Money is a new Netflix series that offers viewers a crash course in personal finance. The show covers a wide range of topics, from saving for retirement to investing in real estate. Each episode features a different guest expert, who shares their insights on a variety of financial topics.

Get Smart with Money is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn more about personal finance. The show is well-organized and informative, and it provides viewers with a valuable opportunity to learn from some of the country’s top financial minds.

Brief Background on Host:

Ms. Black, the host of Staying in the Black, is a single mom, homeowner, and public-school educator in NYC. She owns two properties and is one mortgage away from being totally debt-free. She loves traveling the world with her family and has over $500,000 in her retirement accounts beyond her pension.


Learn more about Ms. Black:


Instagram: @stayingintheblk

Get Smart with Money Trailer

Peter Adeney, Mr. Money Mustache

Tiffany Aliche, The Budgetinsta

Ross MacDonald, Ro$$ Mac

Paula Pant, Afford Anything

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